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Moderate Kidney Damage with Protein 3+ Can It be Reversed

On Jun 11,2014, Bashaer who are from Saudi Arabia came to our hospital for the first time, she is a patient with moderate kidney damage and protein 3+, the following are some detailed informations about her.

Name : Bashaer

Gender: Female

Moderate Kidney Damage with Protein 3+ Can It be ReversedAge: 26

Marital status: Single

Birthplace: Makkah AlFaiha

History disease:Proteinuria 5 years,creatinine level begin to increase one years ago and aggravated 2 months ago

After test diagnosed as Chronic Glomerulonephritis,stage 2 of Kidney Failure,Renal Anemia,Renal Hypertension,Hyperuricemia,Obesity

The following the the detailed informations about the test:

Blood test shows: White blood cell count 14.53 x 109 / L, Red blood cell count to 4.41 x 1012 / L, Hemoglobin 109 g/L

Urine test shows: protein 3+, occult blood +,

Liver function: TP 52.5g/L,albumin 31g/L

Seven renal function:urea nitrogen 13.3mmol/L,creatinine 179umol/L,uric acid 442umol/L

24 hours urine quantitation 3.86g/24h

Color Doppler ultrasound: Double kidney diffuse lesions, shrunk in both kidneys

Electrocardiogram: normal

Color Sonography: normal

Treatment measures: take oral and external Chinese herbal medicine, Foot Bath Therapy and Enema Therapy to discharge toxins and protect kidney function. Use Maikang mixture to regulate blood and qi, thus to improve immunity.Given acupuncture to improve immunity.Take Medicated Bath to Strengthen the microcirculation., at the same time, give some medicines to lower the high blood pressure and cure anemia.

After treatment, the protein lowered to +, occult protein -, creatinine 178 umol/L, urea nitrogen 11.6mmol/L,Uric acid 339 umol/L, 24 hours urine protein quantitation 0.89g/24h.

From the above we can see that her disease goes well, in order to consolidate the curative effect, we give her some medicines to take after she back home. Meanwhile, we will give her phones in time to monitor the disease condition.

If you want to know more informations about the treatment methods, you can leave messages or email us. Our email:

Tag: Tell Your Story Moderate kidney damage Protein 3+
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