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Foot Bath Therapy

Foot Bath Therapy1. Function

Stimulating original qi: stimulating original qi in kidney meridian.

2. Stimulating original qi by foot bath

Stimulate original qi in kidney meridian and eliminate toxic pathogenic factors in kidney meridian by immersing feet into the medicinal decoction, which can act on Yongquan acupoint (KI 1) and Taixi acupoint (KI 3). This treatment of foot bath can make original qi in kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin sufficient and flow smoothly to enter into kidney and then the original qi in kidney can be restored.

3. Medication

Decoct medicines that warm meridians and expel cold as well as invigorate blood and dredge collaterals.

Pain should be treated with medicines that expel cold and stop pain; cold disease should be treated with medicines that warm and tonify kidney yang; heat disease should be treated with medicines that clear heat and cool blood; Insomnia should be treated with medicines that tonify heart to tranquilize mind; Blood stasis should be treated with medicines that invigorate blood and dissolve phlegm.

4. Administration

Immerse feet in 2000ml decoction for 40 minutes. The temperature cannot exceed 40℃.

Efficacy will be better if foot tub with the massage function is used or soaking feet and massaging acupoints are done simultaneously.

Short course of treatment for seven days, long course of treatment for 49 days.

5. Short-term effects

Relieved pain, improved sleep, increased appetite, warm hands and feet, sweating,

Detumescence, rosy and dedicate foot skin, relief of itch.

6. Precautions

Pay attention to water temperature to avoid scald. Diabetic patients whose skin sense of warm and pain is not sensitive should be more cautious.

Patients with high, low or unstable blood pressure should be treated under particular circumstances.

This therapy is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Patients with skin diabrosis should be cautious about being treated with this therapy.

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