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Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy

TCM remedy1. Function

Detoxification: detoxicating toxic pathogen in viscera.

2. Taking orally to detoxicate

The key to take Chinese medicine orally is to process medicines that invigorate blood and dissolve stasis, make oral capsules or medicinal soup, and take medicines orally to detoxicate phlegm stasis and damp turbidity in viscera.

3. Therapeutic characteristics

Focus on the usage of medicines that invigorate blood and dissolve stasis in order to treat various inflammation and toxic stasis with that function.

Practice has proved the good efficacy.

4. Therapeutic principle

Detoxicate pathogenic factors in heart, lung, spleen, stomach, gallbladder and twelve meridians to smooth the flow of qi, blood and body fluids. In this way, the basis of generating blood stasis, water-dampness, phlegm can be dissolved.

5. Medication

Focus on invigorating blood and detoxification, adjust under particular circumstances.

The therapeutic recipes in our hospital should be mainly used.

6. Administration

Decoct medicines and extract decoction 100-300ml, take it orally one to three times, one to three times per day.

3—7 days for a course of treatment, 7—10 courses in all

7. Short-term effects

Increased urine volume; reduced urine at night; yellowish urine; strong odor of urine; flocculent precipitates, etc.

Early recovery of kidney (increased urine creatinine);reduced urine at night; improved blood stasis.

No poisoning symptoms all over the body: relieved and skin itch; no ammonia tastes in the mouth; improved symptoms in digestive tract; increased appetite.

8. Precautions

Patients with oliguria, no urine, hyperkalemia should be cautious about taking this decoction.

Or decoct medicines with strong fire until decoction is boiling. Then add cold water to stop boiling after ten minutes. Again, decoct medicines with strong fire until boiling. Ten minutes later, take off flame.

Generally, take decoction when 30 minutes passed after a meal.

Decoction in cold storage should be boiled again and taken when temperature is optimal.

Tag: TCM remedy
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