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Stage 4 Kidney Failure with High Creatinine Level and Low Im

Stage 4 Kidney Failure with High Creatinine Level and Low ImAs we all know, high creatinine level is one of the most common symptoms of chronic kidney disease. And the low immunity make the patient get cold and infection easily. So how to treat high creatinine level and low immunity in Chronic Kidney disease associated with many people. Today i will share you an patient story about this aspect, hoping it can help you in some way.

Roy, male, 37 years old, a stage 4 chronic kidney disease patient come from India, who was just admitted to our hospital few days ago. According to his description he is easy to get cold but there is no obvious symptoms, except 3-4 times urination at each night. So he never thought he has got kidney disease, until he go to the hospital, both kidneys shows shrink under ultrasound. So in order to make further diagnosis and treat his disease, he came to our hospital (there is no effective therapies cure his disease from its root).

Before accept our systematic treatment, his creatinine level is high up to 5.2, and he is suffering from high blood pressure for a long time. Due to the lower kidney function, the urine is colorless. According to his disease condition, our experts make a treatment plan for him- Foot Bath Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. After three days, everything went better, the urine looks dark, the face goes bright and his mood also become better. What’s more, he has say goodbye to cold. Until now, it is about 20 days treatment, although he also need to take the treatment for a period, but he looks just like a normal person. We hope he can back to normal life in the near future.

Generally speaking, stage 4 kidney failure is hard to be cured, but it can be controlled well and the progression can be stopped or reversed with the help of proper treatment. We hope all the people with this situation can have a quality life. If you need any help in curing this disease, do not hesitant to contact our online doctor, we will try our best to help you.

Tag: Tell Your Story High creatinine level Stage 4 Kidney Failure
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